Friday, December 4, 2009

Puck This!

I had this great idea for winter fun that would help (not hinder) my quest for a healthy body - ice skating.  I went once last year but that was about it.  I don't actually know how to skate, but I would like to learn.  I tend to hang onto the wall a whole bunch before I get enough balance and confidence to let go and skate once around the rink without help.  I used to rollerskate like crazy as a kid, so I just know if I could get good enough at ice skating that I'd like it enough to go every week.

My BF said he used to play hockey in his younger days but his hockey skates were still somewhere at his mom's house.  Naturally, since so much time has passed, she can't find them.  Last weekend he drove up to have a look for himself and they have simply disappeared (yard sale would be my guess).  So he went to a skate shop, got measured, and tried on everything under the sun.  Then he called later to tell me that ice skating is a no-go until he loses a little weight because bending over to put the skates on and off took effort.  He said this was his wake-up call.

I just said okay and made a mental note to start going by myself.  He and I were friends for over a year and a half before we started dating and in all that time we never talked about size, weight, food, etc.  I was always a little relieved that it was never an issue.  I also assumed that he didn't have an issue with my size because he's got several inches in height and a few pounds on me.  And now I have no idea how to talk about this stuff with him.  I don't like people to see me weak or see me fail at things.  Unfortunately, I tend to quit anything I'm not really good at as a reputation saving measure - not like I plan it that way, I just do it.  I hate to fail and, yes, I'll simply move onto something else to avoid failure.  It isn't that I'm lazy ( I work hard at things I like and am good at), I just have a super difficult time accepting defeat on a psychological level.

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