Yes. Yes. Sadly yes.
You'll notice that I didn't finish my food log from Friday (and now I can't remember what I ate) and that I didn't post all weekend. I'm not really home on the weekends as I spend most of it hanging with my man. Ok, that may sound really clingy, but it really isn't. We run errands together and watch movies and we don't always see each other during the week. Unfortunately, this weekend we ate at a buffet one day and had bacon and eggs and grits another.
When I mentioned how awful some of our choices were and that we weren't supposed to be doing these things anymore, he replied with, "I'm going more of the Weight Watchers route."
"Which is what?" I asked.
"Good during the week and a little more lenient on the weekends."
Hmmmmm. . . I'm not sure I can hang with that. Because my first "lenient weekend" also included a Twinkie and a piece of chocolate and a slice of cheesecake (at the buffet) and tons of soft drinks and no exercise whatsoever.

I'm horrible at listing everything I've eaten in a day and I'm wondering if I can be good over the weekends if my man is being a little less good. (Sigh)
I've also been thinking about my meat consumption. In reading about what a portion size of meat is (ex: the same size as a deck of cards or the palm of your hand), I've realized I seriously overeat when it comes to meat. I'd say on average, my daily consumption is about 1 - 1.5 pounds of meat.
Holy red meat, Batman! That's about three to five times more than the recommended daily allowance. And even worse than that is if I quit eating all that meat then I have to replace it with fruits and veggies! Noooooooooooooooooo!
I'll be hitting the gym today.
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How you like them apples?